Feb. 9, 2021. Presentation at the International Atomic Energy Agency


“Demonstration of the Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator System (ADCI™) in a Cloud-based Online Environment”

at the International Atomic Energy Agency Coordinated Research Project (CRP) E35010: Applications of Biological Dosimetry Methods in Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (MEDBIODOSE)

June 26, 2012. New US Patent

FISH of short cancer related genesUS Patent 8,209,129 has issued on single copy DNA probes which include divergent repetitive sequences, thus significantly extending the portions of the genome that can be used for such probes beyond traditional single copy sequences.

The technology also increases the density of genomic DNA probes for higher resolution genetic analysis beyond what is used in FISH, genomic microarrays for array comparative genomic hybridization, and solution capture hybrdization arrays for sequence enrichment in deep sequencing. It is licensed to Cytognomix.

April 24, 2012. Mutation interpretation in deep sequencing data

Cytognomix’s new software product, the Shannon pipeline for human splicing mutation analysis of NGS sequencing data was presented at the BioIT World Conference and Expo (Apr 24-26, 2012), Boston.

Dr. Rogan describes our poster:

Large scale interpretation and stratification of non-coding sequence variants in the human genome. Ben Shirley1,Eliseos Mucaki2, & Peter Rogan1,2,3. Depts of Computer Science1 and Biochemistry2, and Cytognomix Inc3, London ON, Canada.