Sept. 7, 2019. Pan cancer article and database update

We have published another revision to our pan-cancer splicing mutation database  paper: Shirley BC, Mucaki EJ and Rogan PK. Pan-cancer repository of validated natural and cryptic mRNA splicing mutations F1000Research 2019, 7:1908 ( The paper is already indexed in PubMed.
In this version, we derive a simplified variant classification scheme with  ClinVar designations calibrated to the molecular phenotypes of mRNA splicing mutations. These are now indicated in the ValidspliceMut ( query results. The majority of variants cause aberrant splicing or are likely aberrant. Interestingly, a significant fraction of variants that have the same information, expression, population frequency properties as ClinVar variants designated as “benign” cause allele-specific alternative splicing.

Figure 1 of Pan-cancer repository of validated natural and cryptic mRNA splicing mutations. F1000Research 2019, 7:1908

March 20, 2019. Presentation at the 2019 American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics annual conference

The following  paper has been accepted for presentation:

 “Pan-Cancer Repository of Validated Natural and Cryptic mRNA Splicing Mutations”, 

Category: “Laboratory genetics and genomics”, Abstract Poster Number: 754     (link to Abstract)

Where: Exhibit hall, Washington Convention Center, ACMG Clinical Genetics Meeting in Seattle, Washington

When: April 2 – 6, 2019;  Poster presentation time: Friday, 4/5 from 10:30am-12:00pm

This work will be available as an ePoster AS WELL AS being presented in printed format on a poster board during the Annual Meeting.  Details to access the ePoster will be available soon.