- Peter K. Rogan, Yanxin Li, Ruth Wilkins, Farrah Flegal, Joan HM Knoll. Radiation Dose Estimation by Automated Cytogenetic Biodosimetry, Great Lakes/Canadian Bioinformatics Conference (CCBC/GLBIO). May 16, 2016. University of Toronto (Platform Presentation).
- Peter K. Rogan. Radiation Dose Estimation by Automated Cytogenetic Biodosimetry. Platform presentation. Great Lakes Chromosome Conference. May 20, 2016. University of Toronto.
- Peter K. Rogan. Cisplatin Response Prediction in Recurrent Bladder Cancer using Biochemically-inspired Machine Learning. Oral and Poster presentations. 3rd International Molecular Pathological Epidemiology Meeting. May 13, 2016. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston.
- Rezaeian I, Mucaki E, Baranova K, Quang HP, Angelov D, Ilie L, Ngom A, Rueda L, Rogan PK. Predicting outcome of hormone and chemotherapy in the METABRIC breast cancer study. Great Lakes/Canadian Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO/CCBC). May 16, 2016. University of Toronto.
- Baranova K, Mucaki EJ, Angelov D, Lizotte D, and Rogan PK. Cisplatin Response Prediction in Recurrent Bladder Cancer using Biochemically-inspired Machine Learning. Great Lakes/Canadian Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO/CCBC). May 16, 2016. University of Toronto.
- Lu R and Rogan PK. Predicting cis-regulation in human promoters by information density-based clustering of heterotypic transcription factor binding sites. Great Lakes/Canadian Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO/CCBC). May 16, 2016. University of Toronto.
Monthly Archives: May 2016
April 30, 2015. Interview about BMC Medical Genomics and Human Mutation breast cancer articles
Video interview with Eliseos John Mucaki and Peter K Rogan by Cara Campbell on CTV News-London Ontario. April 29, 2016.