MutationForecaster® genome interpretation system:
- Visit to sign up with Cytognomix directly and subscribe.
- Subscription- based (Credit card or prepaid invoice, US $; usage capped):
- 2 months: $1500 US
- 1 year: $5000 US
- Bespoke, custom mutation analysis by CytoGnomix for your project (contact us)
Determine Radiation Exposure with ADCI cytogenetic biodosimetry software:
- Automated dicentric chromosome identifier and dose estimator (ADCI™)
Add-on service: Scanning microscope slides of Giemsa-stained metaphase cells from blood (Contact us)
- Unparallelled speed and accuracy, peer reviewed
- MS-Windows-version software licenses (per system; 1st year included) (Quote link)
- GPU Accelerated software licenses (per system; 1st year included)
- After first year, maintenance licenses available*
- On-site Training (per system) + travel/accommodations
- Perpetual licenses available (Quote link)
ADCI-Online (Cloud-based) subscriptions and personalized support with high throughput capabilities.
- Professional translation of ADCI™ user manual
- Multiple seat licenses available
- Contact us for quotes, hardware specifications and other details
*multi-year (>3) discounts available
Single copy FISH probes or genomic microarrays (bulk purchases only)
Please request a quote from CytoGnomix as pricing is subject to change.