Genome-Scale Variant Interpretation
Automated Radiation Dose Estimation
Mission Statement
MutationForecaster® ( is Cytognomix’s patented web-portal for analysis of all types of mutations – coding and non-coding- including interpretation, comparison and management of genetic variant data. It’s a fully automated genome interpretation solution for research, translational and clinical labs.
Run our world-leading genome interpretation software on your exome, gene panel, or complete genome (Shannon transcription factor and splicing pipelines, ASSEDA, Veridical) with the Cytognomix User Variation Database and Variant Effect Predictor. With our integrated suite of software products, analyze coding, non-coding, and copy number variants, and compare new results with existing or your own database. Select predicted mutations by phenotype using articles with CytoVisualization Analytics. With Workflows, automatically perform end-to-end analysis with all of our software products. Download an 1 page overview of MutationForecaster® (link)
Subscribe and analyze your own data via the cloud or… Don’t want to run your own analyses on MutationForecaster®? Let us do it for you with our Bespoke Analysis Service.
Experience our suite of genome interpretation products through a free trial of MutationForecaster®. Once you register, we provide datasets from our peer-reviewed publications to evaluate these software tools.
Automated radiation biodosimetry
Ionizing radiation produces characteristic chromosome changes. The altered chromosomes are known as dicentric chromosomes [DCs]). DC biodosimetry is approved by the IAEA for occupational radiation exposure, radiation emergencies, or monitoring long term exposures. The DC assay can also monitor effects of interventional radiation therapies.
Cytognomix has developed a novel approach to find DCs (TBME). The Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator (ADCI) software works on multiple platforms and uses images produced by any of the existing automated metaphase capture systems found in most cytogenetic laboratories. ADCI is now available for for trial or purchase (link). Or contact us for details (pricing).
ADCI* uses machine learning to distinguish monocentric and dicentric chromosomes (Try the Dicentric Chromosome Identifier web app). With novel image segmentation, ADCI has become a fully functional cytogenetic biodosimetry system. ADCI takes images from metaphase scanning systems, selects high quality cells, identifies dicentric chromosomes, builds biodosimetry calibration curves, and estimates exposures. ADCI fulfills the criteria established by the IAEA for accurate triage biodosimetry of a sample in less than an hour. The accuracy is comparable to an experienced cytogeneticist. Check out our online user manual: wiki.
We find and validate mutations and gene signatures that others cannot with advanced, patented genomic bioinformatic technologies. Cytognomix continues our long track record of creating technologies for genomic medicine. We anticipate and implement the needs of the molecular medicine and genomics communities.
Predict chemotherapy outcomes
Pharmacogenomic responses to chemotherapy drugs can be predicted by supervised machine learning of expression and copy number of relevant gene combinations. Since 2015, CytoGnomix has used biochemical evidence to derive gene signatures from changes in gene expression in cell lines, which can subsequently be examined in patients that have been treated with the same drugs. We have derived signatures for 30 different commonly used drugs. Try out out our online predictor:
Quantifying responses to ionizing radiation with gene expression signatures.
Gene signatures derived by machine learning have low error rates in externally validated, independent radiation exposed data. They exhibit high specificity and granularity for dose estimation in humans and mice. These signatures can be designed to avoid the effects of confounding, comorbidities which can reduce specificity for detecting radiation exposures. See:
Single copy genomic technologies
- Customized genomic microarrays
- Ultrahigh resolution FISH probes (article):
- Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) can use SC technology to increase reproducibility and reduce cost per sample.
Latest Posts
March 25, 2025. Videos available about radiation biology.
In late 2023, we coauthored a new Open Access textbook on Radiobiology ((; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-18810-7). Today, we are announcing the release of a new Open Access set of 12 video presentations by the corresponding textbook authors, summarizing each of the chapters of the book. To obtain citable Digital Object Identifiers, each video was first published […]
January 25, 2024. Appreciation of Cytognomix’s COVID-19 research studies by the government of Ontario
Peter Rogan, President of Cytognomix, accepted a Certificate of Appreciation from Hon. Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health of the Province of Ontario for our work on community COVID-19 outbreaks and their risk factors. This work was carried out in response to the Ministry’s Challenge Questions initiative to researchers, clinical professionals, hospitals and […]
Oct. 4, 2023. Radiobiology textbook published
We have contributed our work on transcriptomics to the chapter on Molecular Radiation Biology in: Radiobiology Textbook (editor Sarah Baatout), published by Springer in October 2023 (open access; link: The citation for the chapter is: Judith Reindl, Ana Margarida Abrantes, Vidhula Ahire, Omid Azimzadeh, Sarah Baatout, Ans Baeyens, Bjorn Baselet, Vinita Chauhan, Fabiana Da […]
Sept. 19, 2023. Democratizing ADCI as cloud-based software
We have published a new article describing use of the Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator (ADCI) as a web-based application: Ben C Shirley, Eliseos J Mucaki, Joan H M Knoll, Peter K Rogan, Radiation exposure determination in a secure, cloud-based online environment, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 199, Issue 14, September 2023, Pages 1465–1471, Imagine […]
May 25, 2023. CytoGnomix to present at final RCP meeting of IAEA CRP E35010 (MEDBIODOSE)
Nov. 23, 2022. Our new handle to contact Peter Rogan and CytoGnomix
We have set up a new address on Mastodon (to replace our Twitter handle): (
Nov. 16, 2022. Article accepted about determination of radiation exposures using a worldwide cloud computing platform
“The Automated Dicentric Chromosome (DC) Identifier and Dose Estimator System (ADCI) selects and processes images to identify DCs and determines radiation dose without manual review. The goal of this study was to broaden accessibility and speed of this system with data parallelization while protecting data and software integrity.”
Nov. 15, 2022. New US Patent on radiation biodosimetry
The US Patent and Trademark office as issued our patent number 11,501,545 titled “Smart Microscope System for Radiation Biodosimetry.” It has the same title as our previous patent no. 10,929,641, but there are some important differences. This one claims a broader spectrum of applications for estimation of absorbed radiation dose because it doesn’t require the […]