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- Successful purchase of access to the Shannon splicing mutation analysis pipeline
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- Testimonials for the Shannon pipeline
- Testimonials for Veridical
- Testing for Radiation Exposure
- Thank You!
- August 30, 2009
- September 25, 2009
- October 1, 2009
- December 14, 2009
- June 8, 2010.
- April 24, 2012. Mutation interpretation in deep sequencing data
- June 26, 2012. New US Patent
- Oct 5, 2012. New Product: Shannon pipeline ….
- October 17, 2012. Automating cytogenetic biodosimetry
- November 7, 2012. Presentation at 2012 meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics.
- January 4, 2013. Paper: “Predicting mRNA transcript isoforms derived from splicing mutations”, ASSEDA server
- January 11, 2013. New paper accepted for publication in Nucleic Acids Research
- November 12, 2012. Paper accepted for publication in Cytogenetics and Genomics
- January 21, 2013. Paper about Shannon pipeline accepted for publication in Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics.
- January 28, 2013. Platform presentation on Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier Software
- February 1, 2013. Notice of Allowance on new US Patent on human genomic hybridization
- February 3, 2013. New paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering
- February 8, 2013. Trialing the Shannon Pipeline for mRNA Splicing Mutation Analysis.
- February 26, 2013. Video published by the journal, “Human Mutation”
- March 9, 2013. New Publication on Chromosome Centromere Detection in Metaphase Cell Images
- March 15, 2013. Paper describing the Shannon pipeline for human mRNA splicing mutation analysis.
- March 26, 2013. New US Patent issued.
- March 26, 2013. New article published on chromosome centromere structure and composition.
- April 4. Presentation at the Joint Conference of 2013 HGM & 21st International Congress of Genetics
- Invitation to April 24th Webinar: Genome-scale mRNA Splicing Mutation analysis
- Presentation at Human Genome Variation Society Meeting: Clinical Applications of Next Generation Sequencing
- April 24, 2013. Webinar Presentation cosponsored by the Ontario Genomics Institute
- Forthcoming presentations by Pete Rogan in Milan, Italy
- April 29, 2013. Press release: US National Cancer Institute acquires Shannon Human Splicing Pipeline
- May 22, 2013. Shannon mRNA splicing mutation pipeline version 1.0.5
- July 19, 2013. Presentation to the Clinical Cancer Genetics group of the Italian Society of Human Genetics
- Upcoming Invited Presentations
- July 31, 2013. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the 63rd American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting
- August 13, 2013. Paper accepted on evaluation of mutation prediction methods
- September 6, 2013. Shannon pipeline highlighted at meeting on Clinical Applications of Next Generation Sequencing
- September 16, 2013. US patent to be awarded on breakthrough radiation biodosimetry technology
- September 19. Abstract on metaphase epigenetics: platform presentation at American Society of Human Genetics meeting
- September 27, 2013. New release of Shannon pipeline for detection of mRNA splicing mutations
- October 21. Platform presentation at ASHG using single copy FISH
- October 25, 2013. Single copy FISH probes for metaphase epigenetic analysis
- October 28, 2013. Presentation at the European Institute of Oncology
- November 11, 2013. Presentation at the University of Milan
- November 28. Presentation at the European Institute of Oncology
- December 5, 2013. Breast Cancer Society of Canada Blog profiles our research
- January 20, 2013. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation highlights Early Breast Cancer Detection project based on Cytognomix technology
- December 10, 2013. New patent on detecting biological exposure to radiation
- December 10, 2013. Agreement to supply reagents for next generation sequencing
- Jan. 10, 2014. Presentation at the The Fifth International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
- Jan. 13, 2014. New paper and software for experimental evaluation of predicted mutations in genomes or exomes
- Jan. 29, 2014. Translational Breast Cancer Research Retreat in London, Ontario
- February 6, 2014. Biodosimetry manuscript accepted for publication
- February 28, 2014. The Shannon splicing mutation software pipeline is online
- March 3, 2014. Oral presentation at the The Fifth International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Conference
- March 7, 2014. Veridical software paper indexed for PubMed and highlighted on the RNA-Seq Blog
- March 9, 2014. Commentary on Mutation interpretation: current limitations and approaches to overcome them
- April 9, 2014. Presentation at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting
- April 22, 2014. New paper describing Automated Biodosimetry Software published
- April 22, 2014. Validation of predicted splicing mutations paper in F1000Research – now in PubMed
- May 5, 2014. Presentation at the Cancer Genome Atlas 3rd Annual Symposium
- May 12-13, 2014. Presentation at the 3rd Cancer Genome Atlas Scientific Symposium
- May 12-13, 2014. Cytognomix exhibiting at OCE Discovery, Toronto
- May 14, 2014. Upcoming presentation at the 9th Annual Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference
- May 19, 2014. Veridical wins best paper award at two conferences!
- May 23, 2014. A Comment about Variant Databases
- June 12, 2014. New product announcement
- July 13, 2014. Presentations at the 2014 American Society of Human Genetics Conference
- July 23, 2014. New US patent application published on exon definition mutation analysis
- July 30 2014. Invited presentation at Next Generation Sequencing conference
- August 13, 2014. New Patent Application published
- September 3, 2014. Technical presentation to US Patent and Trademark Office
- October 14, 2014. New paper in press on the epigenetics of metaphase chromosomes
- November 14, 2014. New paper on lymph node metastatic breast cancer uses MutationForecaster system
- November 18, 2014. New review article on splicing mutation information analysis
- November 18, 2014. Differential accessibility of scFISH probes to metaphase chromosomes published.
- December 18, 2014. Best poster award for cytogenomics visual analytics decision support tool
- December 30, 2014. Veridical software status update
- January 17. MutationForecaster is launching…
- February 2, 2015. The Cytognomix MutationForecaster system
- February 8, 2015. Early adoption of the MutationForecaster system
- February 25, 2015. Release of updated plugin Shannon splicing mutation pipeline software for Qiagen-CLC bio products
- March 5, 2015. Interest in Mutation Forecaster™
- March 17, 2015. Review article on mRNA splicing mutations highlighted on F1000Research blog
- March 11, 2015. Invited presentation at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology
- Feb. 20, 2015. Presentation at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
- March 27, 2015. Cover of the F1000Research webpage
- April 3, 2015. Video tutorials available for MutationForecaster
- April 6, 2015. New paper published on cancer of unknown primary
- April 30, 2015. Sale of Shannon mRNA splicing mutation pipeline software license
- April 30. Sale of MutationForecaster subscription
- May 14, 2015. Presentation at the Great Lakes Chromosome Conference
- May 21, 2015. Platform presentation at Compute Ontario Research Day
- May 22, 2015. MutationForecaster receives US Trademark
- April 18, 2015. New software distribution agreement for MutationForecaster
- June 27, 2015. Best oral presentation at the 12th Annual London Oncology Research & Education Conference
- July 3, 2015. New publication on breast cancer gene mutation
- July 8, 2015. New paper using Cytognomix’s single copy FISH probes
- July 11, 2015. Presentation at RegGen Satellite Meeting at 2015 ISMB Annual Meeting
- July 31, 2015. Chemotherapy resistance in breast cancer manuscript accepted for publication
- August 13, 2015. New paper on metaphase epigenetics published
- Aug. 25, 2015. Top viewed article in Molecular Cytogenetics
- August 28, 2015. Article on chemotherapy gene signature published
- September 7, 2015. Video presentation of Molecular Oncology article on chemotherapy response
- September 11, 2015. Final version of paclitaxel and gemcitabine chemotherapy signature paper now published
- Sept. 18, 2015. Press release about chemotherapy resistance paper
- September 24, 2015. MutationForecaster® now available on BaseSpace ecosystem!
- September 27, 2015. Interview about breast cancer signature on CTV News, London
- September 30, 2015. Illumina announces MutationForecaster on their BaseSpace blog
- October 6, 2015. Presentations at the 2015 International EPR Biodose meeting
- October 22, 2015. Presentation at the 2015 Toronto NGS Symposium
- Presentation. 2015 Canadian Cancer Research Conference
- Upcoming Presentation at University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
- November 21, 2015. Literature based filtering in the MutationForecaster system
- November 26, 2015. Splicing Mutation Calculator software
- December 1, 2015. Presentation on chemotherapy response at Oncology Grand Rounds
- December 14, 2015. Try MutationForecaster® for two weeks: Free of Charge!
- December 17, 2015. Final version of machine learning-based chemotherapy response article is online
- December 21, 2015. New capability in Cytognomix User Variation Database (CUVD)
- December 23, 2015. “Filtering-in” gene variants for peer-reviewed evidence
- January 16, 2016. Presentation at University of Western Ontario
- January 17, 2016. MutationForecaster Workflow Updates.
- Jan. 29, 2016. Updates to Cytognomix User Variation Database
- February 6, 2016. Article accepted for publication on cytogenetic image analysis using machine learning
- Feb. 15, 2016. Improved filtering in Mutation Forecaster for Variant Effect Predictor
- February 16, 2016. New publication on inherited breast and ovarian cancer
- Feb. 29, 2016. Publication on prioritizing variants in BRCA genes
- March 1, 2016. Automated discrimination of dicentric chromosomes by machine learning
- March 4, 2016. Presentation at Physics Rounds, London Regional Cancer Program
- March 10, 2016. New paper accepted on prioritization strategy for gene variants of uncertain significance in breast/ovarian cancer
- March 15, 2015. Funding from the Build-in-Canada Innovation Program
- March 23, 2016. Final version of article about prioritizing mutations in inherited breast cancer is online
- March 29, 2016. New publication on cost effectiveness of gene expression microarray testing in cancer diagnosis
- April 11, 2016. New paper on analysis of variants of uncertain significance in hereditary breast & ovarian cancer
- April 26, 2016. Grant funding received for chromosome structure studies using Cytognomix ab initio scDNA probes
- April 28, 2016. Press release
- April 30, 2015. Interview about BMC Medical Genomics and Human Mutation breast cancer articles
- May 6, 2016. Upcoming public presentations
- June 6, 2016. New paper on automated biodosimetry to be published
- July 1, 2016. Article published on Centromere Detection in Human Metaphase Chromosomes
- July 13, 2016. New publication on Automated Estimation of Radiation Exposure
- July 29, 2016. The MutationForecaster Value Proposition
- August 8-12, 2016. Presentation about metaphase chromosome epigenetics
- August 31, 2016. New publication on predicting outcomes of hormone and chemotherapy in breast cancer
- Sept. 23, 2016. Notice of Allowance of claims for US patent application
- October 19, 2016. Publication in Atlas of Science for the layperson
- November 28, 2016. Article on transcription factor binding sites published in Nucleic Acids Research
- November 12, 2016. MutationForecaster detects mutations that alter transcriptional regulation
- November 27, 2016. New patent issued in Germany
- November 30, 2016. Contract award to Cytognomix by the Government of Canada.
- December 1, 2016. Faux controversies in variant genomic analysis
- December 6, 2016. Finding mutations in transcription factor binding sites with MutationForecaster
- December 13, 2016. Postdoctoral Position available for high performance computing application in radiation biodosimetry
- Jan. 23, 2017. Automated interpretation of digital pathology images is currently at an embryonic stage of development
- January 25, 2017. Comment from the Transforming Genetic Medicine Initiative Blog
- Jan. 28, 2017. New version of F1000Research paper on chemotherapy response in breast cancer
- February 27, 2017. CytoGnomix finalizes contract with Government of Canada
- March 31, 2017. New preprint on increased accuracy in radiation biodosimetry
- April 8, 2017. Presentation about chemotherapy outcome prediction
- April 18, 2017. US Patent 9,624,549 issued about chemotherapy target identification
- May 4, 2017. CytoGnomix introducing new biodosimetry product
- May 22, 2017. Protocol on automated radiation biodosimetry accepted for publication
- June 1, 2017. Products delivered under the Build in Canada Innovation Program
- June 3, 2017. Presentation at Variant Detection 2017
- June 21, 2017. Landing page:
- June 30, 2017. New publication on breast cancer genetics
- July 5, 2017. MutationForecaster®: improved documentation
- July 12, 2017. CytoGnomix exhibiting at 2017 American Society of Human Genetics Annual Conference
- August 9, 2017. Publication on improved accuracy in radiation biodosimetry
- August 24, 2017. Announcement of BCIP contract to CytoGnomix by the Government of Canada
- September 3, 2017. New video protocol describing radiation biodosimetry software
- Sept. 6, 2017. Article in Western News about Radiation Biodosimetry project
- September 12, 2017. New publication on cancer of unknown primary
- September 15, 2017. Projects featured in SHARCNET community update
- October 4, 2017. Three upcoming presentations at the American Society of Human Genetics annual conference
- CytoGnomix at the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting Oct 17-21 2017
- October 30, 2017. CytoGnomix signs agreement with International Atomic Energy Agency
- November 11, 2017. ADCI software evaluation
- November 20, 2017. New publication on inherited breast and ovarian cancer accepted for publication
- December 1, 2017. New bespoke variant interpretation service
- December 12, 2017. New preprint predicting response to platin drugs
- Jan. 13 and 21, 2018. Comments on PubMed PMID 29280214: Thorough in silico and in vitro cDNA analysis of 21 putative BRCA1 and BRCA2 splice variants and a complex tandem duplication in BRCA2, allowing the identification of activated cryptic splice donor sites in BRCA2 exon 11.
- Dec 12, 2017. Comment on PubMed PMID 23169495: Analysis of the effects of rare variants on splicing identifies alterations in GABAA receptor genes in autism spectrum disorder individuals.
- Dec. 7, 2017. Rogan PK, Mucaki EJ. Comment on PMID 29185120: Characterization of a novel germline BRCA1 splice variant, c.5332+4delA. In: PubMed Commons [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine; 2017 Nov 28 [cited 2017 Dec 7].
- Oct. 1, 2017. Comment on PubMed PMID 28949076: Rules and tools to predict the splicing effects of exonic and intronic mutations. In: PubMed Commons [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine; 2017 Sep 26
- May 4, 2015. Comment on PMID 23348723. Prediction of mutant mRNA splice isoforms by information theory-based exon definition.
- February 7, 2018. Accepted presentations at EPR Biodose (Munich, June, 2018)
- February 19, 2018. Article on genomic signature of radiation exposure
- February 28, 2018. New publication on radiation biodosimetry based upon machine learning
- March 13, 2018. Oral presentation on chemotherapy response in Best Poster session at ESHG 2018
- March 23, 2018. New preprint about target gene regulation by transcription factors
- April 9, 2018. Upcoming release of Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier and Dose Estimator (ADCI)
- March 29, 2018. Mutation Forecaster: Key to discovery of mutations in novel ALS gene
- May 29, 2018. Change to URL
- May 30, 2018. Radiation gene signature study approved and indexed in PubMed.
- June 7, 2018. Presentations at upcoming international conferences
- June 13, 2018. Article in Fast Forward
- Aug. 13, 2018. Differential accessibility to homologous chromosomal loci confirmed by international consortium
- Sept. 11, 2018. New publication about promoter gene variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 that alter gene expression
- October 19, 2018. Presentations at the 7th Northeast Regional Chromosome Pairing Conference
- November 6, 2018. Article on prediction of platin chemotherapy response accepted for publication
- November 20, 2018. New preprint about splicing mutation beacon repository recognized as top genomics study
- November 28, 2018. New automated cytogenetic biodosimetry article accepted for publication
- December 7, 2018. New article describing database of validated mRNA splicing mutations published
- December 14. New paper published about regulation of gene transcription by information theory and machine learning
- January 11, 2019. Article on Prediction of platin chemotherapy response now available
- January 9, 2019. Article on fully automated interpretation of the dicentric chromosome assay for radiation quantification now available
- January 24, 2019. Updated version of CytoGnomix Visual Analytics (CytoVA) on MutationForecaster
- Jan. 2019. CytoGnomix licenses ADCI software for radiation biodosimetry
- Feb. 14, 2019. New article about targeted validation of mRNA splicing mutations
- March 20, 2019. Presentation at the 2019 American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics annual conference
- Pan-Cancer Splicing Web Beacon to be Presented at ACMG Meeting
- April 11, 2019. New article about transcription factor binding site clusters, their role in target gene regulation and mutation analysis
- May 8, 2019. Upcoming Platform presentation at the Association of Molecular Pathology-Global Congress
- May 30, 2019. F1000Research splicing mutation database article now indexed in PubMed
- June 28, 2019. Platform Presentation at 2019 ICRR on population-scale biodosimetry
- July 4, 2019. Presentations describing interlaboratory comparison of radiation exposure determination by automated cytogenetic biodosimetry
- July 31, 2019. New preprint on biodosimetry in BioRxiv
- Aug. 19, 2019. Review article about machine learning for predicting chemotherapy response
- Sept. 7, 2019. Pan cancer article and database update
- Nov. 18, 2019. Final version of review article on prediction of chemotherapy response by machine learning now published
- Feb. 11, 2020. Article about allele-specific alternative splicing published
- April 24, 2020. Assessing radiation exposure across a population by geolocation
- April 24, 2020. Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry highlights PLOS ONE study on radiation dose estimation and COVID19
- Geostatical Biodosimetry
- July 13, 2020. New article on Virtual Molecular Tumor Boards from the Variants in Cancer Consortium
- July 19, 2020. New analysis of SARS-CoV-2 cases in the United States
- August 6, 2020. Updated: Geostatistical Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Positive Cases in the United States
- August 7, 2020. Publication of novel molecular mechanism of severe RNA-viral lung infections
- August 14, 2020. Interview on Scientific Sense podcast
- Aug. 31, 2020. Presentation at the 2020 American Society of Human Genetics meeting
- August 31, 2020. Presentation on molecular mechanism of severe riboviral infections at the RiboClub Forum 2020
- September 4, 2020. New article on automated partial body radiation exposure determination
- New support for geostatistical analysis of COVID19 hotspots in Ontario
- Nov. 9, 2020. Notice of Allowance for US Pat App. Ser. No. 16/057,710
- Dec. 10, 2020. New article on chemotherapy response prediction
- December 29, 2020. Coming soon… ADCI_Online
- January 22, 2021. SHARCNET features publications by the Rogan laboratory
- Feb. 9, 2021. Presentation at the International Atomic Energy Agency
- Feb. 23, 2021. CytoGnomix receives new US Patent for radiation biodosimetry
- March 29, 2021. Article describing accelerated biodosimetry by high performance computing
- Platform presentation at ConRad 2021 on radiation gene signatures
- Poster presentation at ConRad 2021 on radiation biodosimetry with ADCI
- Lightning Presentation at “Healthcare without Boundaries” Colloquium – June 2, 2021
- June 18, 2021. CytoGnomix is finalist in Innovation Forum (Cambridge UK) Entrepreneurship Global Accelerator
- Aug. 24, 2021. New preprint: More sensitive and specific radiation gene expression signatures
- MutationForecaster® Trademark renewed by US Patent and Trademark Office
- October 5, 2021. New conference summary article from ConRad 2021 published
- October 20, 2021. New article on metaphase epigenetics published in Molecular Cytogenetics journal
- October 21, 2021. New article on radiation gene expression signatures in press
- Dec. 8, 2021. New preprint about detecting COVID19 transmission earlier
- Dec. 10, 2021. New preprint about automated radiation cytogenetic biodosimetry in population studies
- September 9, 2022. Update on US Patent Application “Smart microscope system for radiation biodosimetry”
- October 14, 2022. Interview with editors of F1000 Research about geospatial data analysis of COVID-19 study
- October 17, 2022. Presentation at the International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection (ICRP)
- Nov. 1-3, 2022. Presentation at the International Atomic Energy Agency
- Nov. 7-10, 2022. Presentation on population scale biodosimetry at International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection
- Nov. 15, 2022. New US Patent on radiation biodosimetry
- Nov. 16, 2022. Article accepted about determination of radiation exposures using a worldwide cloud computing platform
- Nov. 23, 2022. Our new handle to contact Peter Rogan and CytoGnomix
- May 25, 2023. CytoGnomix to present at final RCP meeting of IAEA CRP E35010 (MEDBIODOSE)
- Sept. 19, 2023. Democratizing ADCI as cloud-based software
- Oct. 4, 2023. Radiobiology textbook published
- January 25, 2024. Appreciation of Cytognomix’s COVID-19 research studies by the government of Ontario
- March 25, 2025. Videos available about radiation biology.
- March 2025 (1)
- January 2024 (1)
- October 2023 (1)
- September 2023 (1)
- May 2023 (1)
- November 2022 (5)
- October 2022 (2)
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