Despite our diligent efforts, a small number of items in our web site may be incorrectly priced. Rest assured that we will verify all prices as part of our shipping procedures and provide you with correct pricing in your order confirmations. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience you might experience. Thank you. Cytognomix reserves all rights to correct any errors in the online system prior to shipping and billing. If you suspect an error in pricing, please contact our Customer Service Department. We use air freight and surface carriers to ensure prompt and cost-effective delivery of your order. If you require other arrangements, tell us when placing your order. We ship at room temperature or on dry ice, gel ice, or wet ice, as detailed in the product descriptions. Some Cytognomix products may present flammable, corrosive, acute and chronic, toxic, reactive, or other hazards and may require special handling for safe delivery. These products are labeled accordingly, and may carry an additional handling fee.